I used to teach but I retired the year COVID hit. Testing is a necessary evil and you have to be wary of cheaters. This brought a smile to my face……
Hearty Soup
Wow….its been well over a year since my last post. Still dealing with the pandemic with the fourth variant. Winter is on its way and nothing better than a bowl of soup to warm you up. Maybe not this bowl….LOL After having this bowl of soup, I can look forward to watching CSI again. I…
Not Your Typical Spiders
It’s been a while since I last blogged……but now that I have more free time, I intend to do it more often. I have to admit that I have enjoyed the reruns of CSI Las Vegas and New York in my absence. I have seen spiders quite of often but I have never seen spiders…
World Map
I could not resist…….the teacher in me enjoys the idea of Plate Tectonics. I wonder if Pangaea is the entire bucket of chicken!! LOL…
Getting Ready for Winter!!
I guess this guy wants to get his driveway done fast!!!!…
Not that hot in Prince George
I was a biology teacher way back in my career. I know that humans have sweat glands but I didn’t know that dogs did…..especially on bottom of their paws!! I haven’t posted in a while so hopefully I will do so……
I like this picture!!!
Here is an overhead view. Do you see a forest or a bear? You decide. …
Got to love optical illusions!!
Don’t stare too long!! It’s dizzying!!…
Guess What This Is??
Scanning electron microscopy is a powerful tool for scientists. It provides an up close detailed image. Guess what this is a picture of ….. Answer backward : ORCLEV…
It’s a beautiful thing. . .
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Here is a crystal of calcium phosphate looking mighty pretty!…